Management & Recht

Govt mulls apex agency for port security

The high-level official committee that reviewed the security preparedness of ports, shipyards and other allied installations in the country has proposed the establishment of an apex agency for regulation of security issues on the lines the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security.

Management & Recht

European Space Agency Selects TransCore’s GlobalWave Research and Development Team Along With Novacom Services to Develop Satellite-Based Container Tracking Prototype

OTTAWA, Canada & TOULOUSE, France - The European Space Agency (ESA) selects TransCore, a company that provides satellite asset tracking on three continents through its GlobalWave technology, and Novacom Services, a subsidiary of Collecte Localisation Satellites (CLS), to lead the development of an asset tracking prototype that will provide continuous visibility of intermodal containers and eliminate the line-of-sight complication that hinders global tracking of containers while in transit. The prototype should be completed by end of 2008.


Uwe Borowy

Der 47-jährige Diplom-Volkswirt ist geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Personalberatung Personalunion in Hamburg.

Management & Recht

More security technology for containers

Schenker's oceanfreight containers that are used all over the world can now for the first time be continuously monitored, thanks to a special new security technique. For test purposes the company has fitted out ten of its containers, also known as SCHENKERsmartbox, with special sensors in addition to RFID technology. These 'GPS Security Devices' communicate the current GPS coordinates, temperature levels and security parameters (like door activities). The transport units are in regular use between Hamburg and Hong Kong.

Management & Recht

Fiata congress to discuss cargo safety

Dubai - A freight and logistics industry congress to be organised in Dubai later this month will discuss the "myth" of making cargo totally safe as growing security measures are slowing down shipments and putting extra financial burden on companies.

Management & Recht

Streit über Galileo geht weiter

Weiterhin ungewiss ist die Zukunft des europäischen Satellitennavigationssystems Galileo. Beim EU-Verkehrsministerrat am vergangenen Dienstag in Luxemburg machte Deutschland erneut Druck gegen das von der EUKommission vorgeschlagene Finanzierungsmodell.

Management & Recht

Zoll-Fragebogen bald im Internet

Die Voraussetzungen für den zugelassenen Wirtschaftsbeteiligten (ZWB/AEO) werden voraussichtlich vom 1. November an im Internet veröffentlicht. Das erklärte Jan Christian Kausek, Atlas-Beauftragter der Oberfinanzdirektion Hamburg, vor rund 120 Teilnehmern auf einer Veranstaltung des Verein Hamburger Spediteure.

Management & Recht

Transport security adds thermal cameras

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Transportation Security Administration will use heat-sensing cameras to spot potential suicide bombers attempting to board trains and buses.

Management & Recht

Safe Shipping

In the six years since Sept. 11, 2001, the Bush administration used its “tough on terrorism” stance as a mandate for the invasion of Iraq, the rollback of civil liberties, and other policies that have left the American people less free and ultimately less safe.

Management & Recht

E-freight and security dominate FAPAA talks

The key issues of IATA’s e-freight project and air cargo security dominated the business agenda of the Executive Council Meeting of the Federation of Asia-Pacific Aircargo Associations (FAPAA) held in Kowloon, Hong Kong.