
Elmar Zitz

Der 63-Jährige ist geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Personal- und Unternehmensberatung Hertzog & Partner in Hamburg.

Management & Recht

State-of-the-Art Container Security System to Help Better Protect Cargo

GE Security, Inc., a wholly owned indirect subsidiary of the General Electric Co. (NYSE: GE), today announced a deployment of its CommerceGuard™ container security system at the Port of Oakland, the United States' fourth busiest port for containerized goods. CommerceGuard is a leading solution for global supply chain security and helps protect against the potential for theft, smuggling, international terrorism and other threats during transport.

Management & Recht

State-of-the-Art Container Security System to Help Better Protect Cargo

GE Security, Inc., a wholly owned indirect subsidiary of the General Electric Co. (NYSE: GE), today announced a deployment of its CommerceGuard™ container security system at the Port of Oakland, the United States' fourth busiest port for containerized goods. CommerceGuard is a leading solution for global supply chain security and helps protect against the potential for theft, smuggling, international terrorism and other threats during transport.

Management & Recht

Infrastruktur im Fokus des Terrors

Die Wirtschaft und die Logistikbranche hierzulande können sich nicht in Sicherheit wiegen. Deutschland ist konkret von terroristischen Anschlagsplänen betroffen. Diese mahnenden Worte richtete der Hamburger Innensenator Udo Nagel an die Teilnehmer des 7. Hamburger Sicherheitstages am Dienstag dieser Woche. Im Fokus stünden die nationale und internationale Infrastruktur.

Management & Recht

Gefahr für die Luftfracht steigt

Die Luftfracht könnte vorrangiges Ziel terroristischer Anschläge werden. Darauf haben Experten auf einer Sicherheitskonferenz hingewiesen, die Lufthansa Cargo gestern in Frankfurt veranstaltet hat.


Markus Ferber

Der 42-jährige CSU-Politiker ist Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments und Träger des DVZ-LEO-Awards in der Kategorie "Verkehrspolitiker".

Management & Recht

100% Screening and Other Cargo Insecurities

Cargo- and people-carrying transportation systems seem particularly attractive targets for terrorists these days. The growing concern over possible catastrophic acts of this type of terrorism has led to measures for increasing physical security.


Management & Recht

Shippers braced for pain as US tightens security

The shipping industry and import-dependent sectors are disappointed by a proposed legislation to reduce terror risks from cargo imports.




Management & Recht

Frankfurt bomb plot: Islamic centre had 'calamitous role'

An Islamic centre in the southwest German town of Ulm has emerged as the cradle of radical Islam frequented by at least one of the suspects arrested last week for an alleged plot against US military facilities in Germany.


Management & Recht

Antwerpens Zoll soll unabhängig agieren

Der Hafen-Unternehmerverband Alfaport Antwerpen hat seine Wünsche nach einer besser funktionierenden Zollbehörde in die laufenden Regierungsverhandlungen eingebracht.Schwerfällige und zeitaufwendige Bürokratie solle endlich einem…