Management & Recht

IMO to tackle coastal piracy

An innovative plan to tackle piracy and crime syndicates is underway for central and west Africa’s ports and Exclusive Economic Zones. The International Maritime Organization’s security division has provided a platform between 24 west African states to link coastguards with bodies such as Interpol, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation and High Commissioner for Refugees, navies, insurers and other ‘action’ partners.

Management & Recht

Security gets go-ahead after Local Govt, DOTARS negotiations

An open door for further negotiations between local governments and the Federal Department of Transport and Roads on the cost of new security measures has pleased the WA Local Government Association.

Management & Recht

Joint airspace management project begins trial run

The Government has started two new initiatives — joint airspace management and reducing the time for clearance of cargo from the airports — so as to not only ease air traffic congestion but also allow faster clearance of consignments arriving by air. Both the initiatives were started on October 1 this year.

Management & Recht

Supply chain partners not happy with new US rule

A new US security rule requiring importers and ocean carriers to provide additional data before loading cargo destined for the United States at foreign ports has a potential for disaster, according to a prominent lawyer.

Management & Recht

U.S. Customs and Border Protection Achieves Container Security Initiative Milestone with 58 Operational Ports

Washington — U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced today that it has reached its fiscal year 2007 goal of initiating Container Security Initiative operations at 58 oversees ports to target and pre-screen maritime cargo containers destined for U.S. ports.

Management & Recht

US-Zollbehörde zertifiziert Lufthansa Cargo erneut

Die US-Zollbehörde hat Lufthansa Cargo nach umfangreichen Überprüfungen erneut zertifiziert. Damit verlängert sich automatisch die Mitgliedschaft im „Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism“ (C-TPAT). Damit werden die Sendungen des Unternehmens…

Management & Recht

TSA's Hawley Says No Relaxing Ban On Liquid

ust because the U.S. Transportation Security Administration recently lifted its ban on cigarette lighters doesn't mean travelers can expect TSA soon to relax its liquid restrictions, even though technology is in the works that might eventually allow…

Management & Recht

TSA considers reservations for airport security

Like golfers who reserve tee times and diners who reserve restaurant slots, airline passengers may be able to reserve the time they go through airport security.

The Transportation Security Administration is exploring whether it can guarantee...


Management & Recht

Security tests to sniff out new explosives

THE next generation of technologies for detecting explosives, including so-called "electronic strip-search" body-scanning cameras, is to be tested for possible use in airports.


Management & Recht

Beckstein: Terroristen gefährden Wasserwege

Ein Einsatz der Bundeswehr im Anti-Terror-Kampf im Inland darf nach Ansicht von Bayerns Innenminister Günther Beckstein (CSU) nicht auf den Luftraum beschränkt bleiben. Auch Wasserwege seien durch Terroristen gefährdet, sagte der designierte bayerische Ministerpräsident der „Passauer Neuen Presse“. Kleine Polizeiboote könnten nicht viel ausrichten, wenn mit Sprengstoff beladene Schiffe Häfen ansteuerten, argumentierte der Politiker.